Red Amp Client Protocol 2022 (as of 10.8.22)

Clients, Staff

  • All persons must fill out THIS ONLINE WELLNESS QUESIONNAIRE ON THE DAY you will be at the studio but BEFORE arriving at our facility. This questionnaire must be filled out each time you come to the studio.

  • If you do not feel well or have any symptoms of COVID, do not enter the building and contact your healthcare provider.

  • Masks are RECOMMENDED for fully vaccinated individuals AND for all unvaccinated individuals while in the building (except if you are recording vocals or playing a wind or brass instrument).

  • Social distancing should be adhered whenever possible while in the building.

  • Please use hand sanitizer and/or wash your hands frequently.

Food, Snacks, & Beverages

  • We will no longer be providing snacks, coffee, or drinks. Bottled waters are available but a Red Amp staff person must get it for you.

  • Please feel free to bring your own food or drinks. Only water is allowed in the audio suites. And please make sure all drinks have a screw top or are in non-spillable containers. 

Session Rules, Room Occupancy

  • Only the people needed for a session will be allowed in the building - no visitors, guests, entourage or family unless agreed upon IN WRITING prior to the session.

What are we doing to keep you safe and healthy?

  1. Thoroughly wiping down all touchpoint surfaces each day & between sessions.

  2. Having a minimum of 3 hours dark time between use in rooms where unvaccinated people are singing, talking or playing a wind or brass instrument.

  3. Recommending mask wearing while in the building for vaccinated individuals and unvaccinated individuals.

  4. Social distancing whenever possible.

  5. Consulting with our cleaning crew to ensure that we are meeting CDC guidelines during our weekly routine cleanings.

  6. Keeping plenty of hand sanitizer, soap, cleaning wipes and masks available.

  7. Keeping a log of all persons entering and exiting the building.